
High Commissioner of Malta to Australia and New Zealand H.E. Mario Farrugia Borg attends the Australia Day Ceremony in Canberra

High Commisioner of Malta H.E. Mario Farrugia Borg represented Malta at at the National Citizenship and Australia Day Flag Raising Ceremony in Canberra on 26 January 2022, a celebration which reflects on the diverse society and landscape of the nation. This year’s celebration was held at the Rond Terrace of the Commonwealth Park along the…

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Newly assigned Deputy High Commissioner at the High Commission of the
Republic of Malta in Canberra, Australia

As of 1 January 2022, Ms Gail Demanuele assumed the role of Deputy High Commissioner atthe High Commission of the Republic of Malta in Canberra, Australia, succeeding Ms DeniseDemicoli, who served at the High Commission for the past 5 years. Prior to this appointment, Ms Demanuele has worked in various roles and fields. Her mostrecent…

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High Commissioner H.E. Mr. Mario Farrugia Borg visits Victoria

The High Commissioner of Malta for Australia, His Excellency Mario Farrugia Borg, travelledto Victoria, between 16 and 21 December 21, to meet with Australian’s Government officials,the Maltese associations, the Maltese communities, and other private organisation. Theobjective of this visit was to keep the Maltese communities and organizations connected tothe Maltese Islands. The High Commissioner paid…

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Republic Day of Malta celebration organized by the High Commission of Malta in Canberra

The High Commission of Malta hosted a reception on Monday, 13 December 2021, at theCommonwealth Club in Canberra, to celebrate the 47th anniversary of the establishment ofthe Republic of Malta, to recall the effort and struggle of our ancestors. In his speech, the High Commissioner of Malta, H.E. Mr. Mario Farrugia Borg highlighted thatour Maltese…

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Remembrance Day 2021, Wreath laying ceremony at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra, Wednesday, 10 November 2021

In observance of this year’s Remembrance Day in Canberra, and ahead of the NationalCeremony on Thursday, 11 November 2021, the High Commissioner of Malta H.E. Mr. MarioFarrugia Borg, laid a red and white wreath on the Stone of Remembrance at the AustralianWar Memorial, in the morning of Wednesday, 10 November 2021, in honor of those…

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High Commissioner of Malta to Australia H.E. Mario Farrugia Borg visit to
the New South Wales

The High Commissioner of Malta, H.E. Mario Farrugia Borg, embarked on his first visit to New South Wales, accompanied by Consul General of NSW Lawrence Buhagiar, from Thursday 11 till Monday 15 November 2021 since his appointment as High Commissioner of Malta to Australia in January 2021. Upon arrival, the High Commissioner met with Mr.…

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